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Opera Mini


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/ 15 ratings

Android browser suitable also for low-end devices and those with slow Internet

Opera Software ASA | 2 more apps |
updated on January 29, 2025
Download XAPK
30.7mb | free


Built-in Ad Blocker
Data savings mode
Possibility to download videos and music


Ad Blocker doesn't always block ads
Opera Mini
Price: $
Opera Mini is one of the most optimized mobile browsers available. It's filled to the brim with features that help limit the amount of data used and minimize impact on performance.

When you first boot up Opera Mini, you'll be greeted with the home page screen. On this screen, you'll see all of the websites you have favorited. You can add these any time by tapping the '+' button. Bellow favorites, you'll get access to top stories and swiping left will take you to other topic related stories. You can also customize what types of news topics hit these pages.

The main aspects that make Opera Mini are found in the settings menu. To access the settings, first tap the Opera logo at the bottom right, then tap the settings gear icon.

In the settings menu, the biggest feature to check out first is Data savings feature. Here you'll get options for optimizing images and videos, and blocking ads. All of the images and videos can be compressed to take less data to load. All of the data you've saved from the data saving features can be seen here, too.

It's surprising how much data you'll save over time. You can also disable/enable ad blocking here - the number of ads that have been blocked are also monitored.

The rest of the settings menu is filled with options to control the page layout, overall interface, start screen layout, and notification settings.

One last feature that makes Opera Mini stand out is the 'download' feature. It's possible to download any page, video or music file for offline viewing or listening. Unfortunately, this feature doesn't work for downloading YouTube videos.

All in all, Opera Mini is one of the most streamlined, optimized mobile browsers available today. It's especially suitable for low end devices, but it works incredibly well on any device.
Reviewed by (editor rating 4.5 out of 5 starsEditor's pick Sooftware editor's pick

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Available in multiple languages


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